QUICK! Take Action!

We all knew this would eventually happen...

Yes, it is happening; say goodbye to cute Hello Kitties and say hello to the not so cute Hello Kitties. After the shocking news just spread world wide about Hello Kitty not being an actual cat, she has gone on a rampage and duplicated versions of herself; not just any version... EVIL VERSIONS OF HERSELF. The Hello Kitty Army has prepared a revolution for their life of lies. The once cute, once cuddly, and once adorable kitties are not so cute, cuddly, and adorable anymore (although some may argue) as they raid cities amd towns with their demonic appearances. These kitties refuse to die in vain; they will CONQUER the world and prove to everyone that their existence as kitties as cats was not a waste of their lives. The human population of these cities and towns are unknowinly indangered but refuse to take part in the sudden rabid kitty frenzie because regardless of trying to end the world or whatnot, the psychotic kitties are still adorable. Will the kitties take over the world? Or will the world be in the hands of a 300 pound baby?



Always Trust the 300 Pound Baby

World, You May Be At Peace, We Got a 300 Pound Baby on Our Side

300 Pound Baby a day keeps the Kitties Away

One citizen is tremendously affected by this sudden frenzy. With rooms upon rooms of Hello Kitty dolls, walls upon walls of Hello Kitty posters, and hours upon hours of Hello Kitty Movie marathons, a 300 Pound Baby named Billert, is going under severe depression. Billert was not in love with Hello Kitty, he was OBSESSED. After this devastating break out of World War Kitty, the depressed baby can not sit still and eat his baby food in peace. Billert is determined to battle these kitties and bring them back to their once adorable appearances and features. Billert WILL NOT let the kitties take over the world as evil monsters! However, he will allow them to take over the world as the nice, cute kitties who he misses, but that is not the moral of the story! Billert's different attacking tactics of his bow and arrow, atomic diaper, and annoyingly loud baby cries, Billert secures the world's uneasiness. DO NOT FEAR! BILLERT IS HERE!


300 Pound Baby vs Hell Kitties

This intense, mad, chaotic game is all under one objective: defeat the kitties in World War Kitties. With the world's peace in Billert's hands and the probability of the domination of world peace under the determination of the hell kitties, a suspensful battle takes place where the winner is undecided. Will the Kitties take over the world? Or will Hello Kitties become ByeBye Kitties? Watch a sneak peak of Hell Kitties below!



Watch the video below to hear the story behind "Hell Kitties" with the genius behind it, Junmin Choi. Learn about exclusives, previews, and game objectives with this interview the JK Films Company had the honor to take part in!